RDC in Action COVID 19

The COVID-19 Pandemic has been in the forefront of our daily lives. At RDC, as a healthcare provider, we have actively engaged with our leadership on a local, state and national level to keep updated and current on new protocols. With new information coming out daily, all of our clinical leadership has dedicated themselves to various groups and committees to ensure RDC is adhering to all directives while also providing a voice for our medical community.

Dr. Golding
As the Medical Director of Reno Diagnostic Centers, Dr. Golding regularly meets with our national, state and local congressional representatives to consult and aid is assuring the health and financial stability of our northern Nevada medical community.

Dr. Swanger
As current President of the Nevada State Medical Association, Dr. Swanger has daily communication with the executive director of the organization with the main objective being a support to physicians who provide patient care. During his time as president, they have developed a mask making and distribution campaign in Las Vegas, obtained a list of reputable personal protection equipment suppliers so local doctors could obtain necessary supplies, worked directly with members of the Governor’s Medical Advisory Team to provide current, on the ground information to the medical advisory team to provide up to date information available to the Governor. Recently, Dr. Swanger sent a letter to Nevada US Senator Rosen requesting additional funds for the Paycheck Protection Program to support many physician practices that will be needed to provide adequate healthcare to Nevadans when this crisis is abated.

Dr. Sekhon
Dr. Sekhon was recently appointed by Governor Sisolak to serve as the radiologist representative on The Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee.  In this role, he will make recommendations to the Board of Health regarding appropriate use of radiologic imaging and radiation therapy.  Additionally, he will be evaluating the scope of practice of radiology technologist licensees, to ensure that technologists across the state are appropriately trained and credentialed.  Dr. Sekhon is grateful for the opportunity to promote the practices which have made RDC the premier imaging facility in Northern Nevada so that all Nevadans can benefit from high levels of imaging quality and safety.

Clinical Nurse, Melane
RDC’s clinical nurse is actively involved on a state and national level with Emergency Nursing Association. With her involvement in ENA, she is able to utilize information from across the country to help fight COVID-19 locally. The ENA group is active in the pursuit to get PPE released to the appropriate areas. She also maintains regular communication with the CDC and the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health to implement any protocols recommended so that RDC continues to operate in the highest level of safety for our patients and staff.