What are the hours of the Scheduling Department?
Scheduling is open to take your call and schedule your exams from 7:30am to 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

What are the hours for patient exams and appointments?
Please refer to our Locations Page for hours. 

What are the hours for X-rays?
Visit our Locations Page to learn more about our hours and access.

What phone number do I call regarding billing and insurance issues?
Contact our Billing Office at (775) 323-5135.

How quickly will my exam report make it to my doctor’s office?
RDC’s goal is to have exam reports to your healthcare provider within 24 hours.

What is RDC’s policy about canceling an appointment?
At RDC, we do our best to accommodate to your schedule. We request that you provide 24 hours’ notice for cancellations by calling us at 775-323-5083.

Does RDC take walk-in patients without an appointment?
Walk-ins are welcome for X-ray services; however, patients are strongly encouraged to schedule to minimize their wait time. All other exams require an appointment. Visit our Locations Page to learn more about our hours and access.

Can you send my exam reports to multiple physician’s offices?
Yes, please notify our Patient Relations Representative upon check- in at your appointment and provide the doctor’s names of where you want the reports sent.

Do I need a referral for a screening mammogram?
If no symptoms or changes have been indicated, no doctor’s referral is needed for your annual screening mammogram. Visit our Locations Page to learn more about our hours and access.